Rabu, 04 Juli 2012


- 200 gram butter tawar/unsalted butter
- 2 butir telur
- 460 gram tepung terigu plus sedikit untuk tabur meja/plastik
- 40 gram cocoa powder
- 180 gram tepung gula
- cooking coklat untuk lapisan dan hiasan, dan lainnya sesukanya.

1. Buter dan telur taruh di suhu ruang, tepung terigu dan cocoa ayak jadi satu,
Tepung gula diayak juga sisihkan.
2. Dalam wadah taruh butter, kocok sampai  berupa cream tambahkan tepung gula kocok lagi sampai putih.
3. Masukkan telur sedikit demi sedikit sambil dikocok, masukkan juga campuran terigu dan cocoa aduk dengan sendok kayu jangan dikocok. Ratakan di plastik yang telah ditabur terigu, di roll tipis tutup dengan plastik simpan 1 jam dikolkas.
Panaskan oven 170 derajad celsius.
4. Keluarkan adonan dari kolkas cetak dengan cetakan jantung hati, oven selama 15 menit.
Setelah matang poles dengan coklat satu bagian dan ditumpang/tumpuk dengan yang lain, atasnya dipoles coklat lagi dan ditaburin hiasan mutiara coklat, atau permen coklat, sesukanya aja...atau dipoles denga coklat berwarna juga bagus...

Note: Setelah cookies matang baru ngetim cooking coklat untuk lapisan dan hiasan.

Minggu, 24 Juni 2012


Ini resep aku udah bikin . Ini fotonya

Baked Empanada Ingredients

For this recipe, you'll need:
  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 cup of lard or shortening
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 3/4 to 1 cup of cold water

Empanada Filling Ingredients

For the empanada filling, you'll need:
  • 1 lb. boneless skinless chicken thighs or breasts
  • 1 Tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 small onion, diced
  • 1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and diced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tsp. chili powder
  • 1 tsp. cumin
  • 1 cup low-fat shredded Mexican cheese blend

Mix the Empanada Dough

Place the flour in a large mixing bowl. Add the salt and the shortening. Use a pastry blender or your hands to mix it together until it forms coarse crumbs, like this.

Now whisk the egg and a little water together, and add that to the flour mixture. Use a fork to mix it in, and add about 1/2 cup of the water and mix together until it forms a dough. If it's too dry add more of the water.

Use your hands to knead the dough a few times, then wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Prepare the Chicken

To make the filling, season the chicken with salt and pepper. Grill it on a grill pan or a contact grill like I'm using, until it's cooked through. Check with a thermometer. It should be 165 degrees F.

Remove the chicken and cut it into bite-sized pieces. OK, now heat the oil in a small skillet. Add the onions, jalapeno peppers and garlic. You could add some salt and pepper now, too. Then cook until softened.

Now preheat the oven to 425 degrees.

Mix the Empanada Filling Ingredients

Place the chicken in a large mixing bowl and add the vegetable mixture and the chili powder, cumin and cheese. Mix it all together. And that's your filling.

Fill the Empanadas

Now for the dough, take a golf ball-sized piece of dough and roll it in your hands to form a ball. Roll it out on a floured board to a circle about 6 inches wide.

Place about 2 tablespoons of the empanada filling in the center of the dough. To make it stick easily, wet two fingers in some water and just paint a semi-circle on the bottom edge of the dough with the water.

Now fold it over, and to seal it, you just kind of want to fold a triangle over the and keep repeating that all the way around and then pinch the edges.

Bake the Empanadas

Place the empanadas on a baking sheet. To make them shiny, you can beat an egg yolk with water and brush that on the empanadas. Bake 14-18 minutes until golden brown.

And here are your baked chicken empanadas.

That's all for today. For more great recipes just like this one, join us on the web at About.com.

Jumat, 22 Juni 2012

Video:How to Make Baked Empanadas

Video:How to Make Baked Empanadas

with Stephanie Gallagher
Baked empanadas are a healthy alternative, and just as delicious to fried ones. Learn how to make baked empanadas with a light chicken filling.

Transcript:How to Make Baked Empanadas

Hi, I'm Stephanie Gallagher for About.com, and today, we're making baked empanadas. Let's get started.

Baked Empanada Ingredients

For this recipe, you'll need:
  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 cup of lard or shortening
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 3/4 to 1 cup of cold water

Empanada Filling Ingredients

For the empanada filling, you'll need:
  • 1 lb. boneless skinless chicken thighs or breasts
  • 1 Tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 small onion, diced
  • 1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and diced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tsp. chili powder
  • 1 tsp. cumin
  • 1 cup low-fat shredded Mexican cheese blend

Mix the Empanada Dough

Place the flour in a large mixing bowl. Add the salt and the shortening. Use a pastry blender or your hands to mix it together until it forms coarse crumbs, like this.

Now whisk the egg and a little water together, and add that to the flour mixture. Use a fork to mix it in, and add about 1/2 cup of the water and mix together until it forms a dough. If it's too dry add more of the water.

Use your hands to knead the dough a few times, then wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Prepare the Chicken

To make the filling, season the chicken with salt and pepper. Grill it on a grill pan or a contact grill like I'm using, until it's cooked through. Check with a thermometer. It should be 165 degrees F.

Remove the chicken and cut it into bite-sized pieces. OK, now heat the oil in a small skillet. Add the onions, jalapeno peppers and garlic. You could add some salt and pepper now, too. Then cook until softened.

Now preheat the oven to 425 degrees.

Mix the Empanada Filling Ingredients

Place the chicken in a large mixing bowl and add the vegetable mixture and the chili powder, cumin and cheese. Mix it all together. And that's your filling.

Fill the Empanadas

Now for the dough, take a golf ball-sized piece of dough and roll it in your hands to form a ball. Roll it out on a floured board to a circle about 6 inches wide.

Place about 2 tablespoons of the empanada filling in the center of the dough. To make it stick easily, wet two fingers in some water and just paint a semi-circle on the bottom edge of the dough with the water.

Now fold it over, and to seal it, you just kind of want to fold a triangle over the and keep repeating that all the way around and then pinch the edges.

Bake the Empanadas

Place the empanadas on a baking sheet. To make them shiny, you can beat an egg yolk with water and brush that on the empanadas. Bake 14-18 minutes until golden brown.

And here are your baked chicken empanadas.

That's all for today. For more great recipes just like this one, join us on the web at About.com.
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Selasa, 12 Juni 2012


1 buah tofu sutera, potong kasar
2 sdm minyak sayur
Aduk jadi satu:
100 g daging sapi cincang
1 sdm kecap asin
11/2 sdm tepung kanji
2 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
1 batang daun bawang, iris kasar
1 sdt cabai merah giling
1 sdm tauco
2 sdm kecap asin
2 sdm saus tiram
1 sdm kecap manis
300 ml air/kaldu
1 sdt tepung maizena, larutkan dengan sedikit air

Cara membuat:

  • Panaskan minyak, tumis daging sapi hingga agak kecokelatan.
  • Masukkan Bumbu, aduk hingga mendidih.
  • Masukkan tofu, aduk-aduk hingga kental dan mendidih.
  • Angkat, sajikan hangat.
Untuk 4 orang

SUMBER detikFood

Selasa, 29 Mei 2012



1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk 
  • tablespoon butter
  • tablespoons cocoa
  • chocolate sprinkles


  1. 1
    Over medium-low heat, stir vigorously the three ingredients.
  2. 2
    Cook the mixture until it thickens enough to show the pan bottom during stirring (it will be firm enough to stay together and not spread) Pour into a greased dish and let cool to room temperature (or chill a few minutes in the fridge) Grease your hands with butter and take small amounts of candy and form into 1 1/2 inch balls.
  3. 3
    Roll the balls in chocolate jimmies to decorate.
  4. 4
    If the balls don't hold their shape, cook an additional 5 minutes until it thickens up more.
serves :40
source: food.com

Senin, 21 Mei 2012

BACANG KETAN ala dapur Ama

Jalan-jalan mau belanja keperluan dapur, masuk ke toko yang jual bahan-bahan dari luar negeri, beli kecap manis , salam laos,daun jeruk, eh... kok ada daun bambu dan daun pisang juga ada. Tapi aku tertarik ama daun bambunya karena bagus bersih dan rapi packingnya..Are you sure mom mau beli..tanya Monik..yang khawatir nggak ada waktu untuk bikin...Akhirnya aku beli juga meskipun termasuk mahal di banding di Indonesia, tapi di Indo kalau beli dipasar kan masih kotor harus kita cuci bersih dulu dan direbus, yang ini tinggal pakai..paling dicuci sebentar. Dirumah sudah ada ayam jadi tinggal beli ketannya aja..sebenarnya lebih enak pakai daging babi bacangnya lebih berminyak.
Ini resepnya BACANG KETAN ala dapur Ama:
Bahannya sih kira-kira aja ..aku nggak timbang
- Beras ketan kira-kira setengah kilo direndam air 2 jam
- Ayam fillet paha besar dua
-Jamur kancing kalengan buang airnya
-Kecap asin
-Kecap manis
-Saos tirem
-Garam dan lada
-Bawang putih kupas potong halus
-Minyak wijen
-Arak putih

Bikin isinya dulu, sebenarnya isinya bebas mau diisi daging kesukaan atau bumbu kesukaan selera aja..kalau aku suka manis pakai kecap manis dan gula, tapi Cris nggak suka manis jadi ayamnya pucat, dia nggak makan bacangnya hanya makan isinya aja ..hehehe..

1. Ayam dipotong kotak-kotak.
2.Tumis bawang putih sampai harum masukkan ayamnya aduk-aduk
3. Masukkan jamurnya
4. Masukkan bumbu-bumbu aduk
5. Beri air dikit aja supaya ayam empuk dan bumbu meresap tutup.
6.Setelah air kering cicipin ayamnya sudah  enak matikan api.
7.Sisihkan dulu.
Kita urus Beras ketannya:
-Tiriskan beras ketan.
-Dalam wajan beri minyak wijen 2 sendok makan.
-Minyak sayur/babi 2 sendok makan.
-Tumis bawang putih sampai wangi.
-Masukkan beras ketan beri garam aduk-aduk sampai berubah warna.
-Matikan api dinginkan siap di bungkus.

Caraku membungkusnya lihat gambar:
- Kalau daun bambu yang beli disini udah bagus siap pakai ,cuci bentar.
- Dua lembar daun bambu jadiin satu kalau kurang lebar bisa ditambah satu lagi.
- Aku pakai bagian halus daun yang ada didalam.
- Lalu dibikin kayak contongan.
- Isi dengan beras ketan setengah dan diberi ayamnya tutup lagi dengan ketan.
- Beras ketan harus banyak supaya jadinya bacang padat matangnya, kalau nggak padat dibuka bisa pecah bacangnya, maksudnya nggak berbentuk kerucut.
- Dengan dua jari, telunjuk dan jempol dibalik supaya tertutup dan diikat dengan tali rafia atau lainnya.
harus kencang ya ikatannya doble supaya kalau direbus nggak terlepas.
- Didihkan air dipanci besar masukkan bacangnya.
- Rebus selama 2 jam kalau airnya kering tambah lagi dengan air panas.
- Kalau sudah matang taruhnya dengan cara digantung supaya airnya netes kebawah.

Semoga jelas karena aku tak pandai jelasinnya.